1. The White Tower Audiobook (2nd edition) is LIVE!

Michael Wisehart

14 June 2019

Tim Gerard Reynolds has made it through The White Tower for a second time and the book has officially launched on Audible. For those who have already purchased, it is a FREE updgrade. You are definitely going to want to listen to the new edition before Plague of Shadows hits the shelves a little later this year.

Click the image above to go to Audible and get your free upgrade to the 2nd Edition. If you’re not sure how to upgrade, keep reading for instructions.

If you’re not familiar with the upgrade process, my publisher was kind enough to create a written/visual walk-thru. To download those instructions, click the button below.

2. Updates to Website

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to do any updates to my website, but I finally manged to pull a couple of hours together to try. Apart from streamlining the home page with a new carousel of my books and updating my home banner, I have added a new page for all the artwork I’ve had commissioned for my books.

This artwork page is about to TRIPLE in size as I am busy working with two of my illustrators on creating a host of new artwork for something big I have planned in the next couple of months, which I will talk about later on in my post.

B. Plague of Shadows: First Chapter Posted

Big opening with a Twist!

The full manuscript of Plague of Shadows has just reached my third copy editor, then on to my audio publisher.

3. The Aramoor Market

Coming Soon!

Last…but Certainly not least, I am announcing the foundation of a new storefront for the World of Aldor. I was contacted by the owner of a merchandising company, who after listening to The White Tower and Street Rats of Aramoor reached out about partnering with me to produce In-World merchandise for my readers.

Needless to say, this was a project I had in mind, but not for another 2+ years, but after several long conversations and some fair negotiating we are now in the early process of setting up this new store…Aramoor Market.

Along with providing some of your typical apparel, mugs, prints, and swag, we are working up a list of unique In-World products as well, hence the reasoning behind the upcoming onslaught of new artwork.

List of upcoming art:

  1. Easthaven Map – Overhead View
  2. Easthaven Map – 3D Perspective View
  3. Logo – Easthaven Inn
  4. Logo – Aramoor Market | Crest of Aldor
  5. World of Aldor Font
  6. Five unique crests, one for each of the five Street Tribes
  7. Crest of The White Tower & Black Watch
  8. Three crest, one for each of the Upakan Clans. Also, symbolized on Ayrion’s father’s ring
  9. Crest for the High Guard
  10. Crest for each of the Five Kingdoms of Sidara

As you can see, there is a lot to be done. We won’t get it all finished by the time the store launches, but we will make a good dent. We plan to start smaller and build on the inventory as we see interest.

Here’s what we need from you:
If you have an idea of something you would like us to consider creating for the store, PLEASE leave a comment below and let us know. Chances are, your suggestions might already be on the list, but if not, we certainly would love to hear what you think. Anything from custom jewelry like Mangora’s spider ring or Ayrion’s Upakan ring, to specialty bound autographed books.

Right now, nothing is off the table. But we need your input.


Thanks for all your support!


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