How To Get Involved

One of the reasons I enjoy writing fantasy are the readers. Fantasy readers are some of the most loyal and active fans you can find. One of the questions I often get hit with is:

“Well, I’m glad you asked.”

(Here are the 7 best ways to Get Involved)

  1. Read The Books. Okay, so I started with an easy one. Although, if you’ve seen the size of the Aldoran Chronicle books, you might not think so.
  2. Leave A Review. Reviews are extremely important for authors when it comes to helping sell their books. Reviews are what we sometimes refer to as Social Proof. When readers are looking for a new book to buy, one of the first things they look at is the number of reviews and how many stars. That lets them know whether anyone else is purchasing the book and whether they thought it was worth reading. As many of you know, my reviews have landed me an unexpected audiobook contract with an A-list narrator, which was an unforeseen side effect of my readers leaving a review. Reviews don’t need to be long or involved, just a sentence or two that tells people what you liked about the book in order to help readers know why they might like it too. If you are unsure how to leave a review, here’s a quick step-by-step video from my blog. It’s very easy! How To Leave A Review. There are two places you can leave a review:
    1. Aramoor Market
    2. Amazon
    3. Goodreads
  3. Tell A Friend…or twenty. Word of mouth is still one of the best marketing tools authors have for getting their work seen.
  4. Join The Wielder Council. Joining the Wielder Council will help you keep updated with the latest news, giveaways, and projects that I am currently working on. It’s one of the easiest ways for me to make contact with my readers to let them know when a book goes on sale, or I’m hosting a giveaway, or I simply would like to get your input on a new cover design or the name for a new character or geographical location. I love talking with my readers, and getting their input. You can join the Wielder Council, using the form below.
  5. Like me on Facebook. This has become more and more important as email providers have been cracking down and strongly limiting the number of newsletters they let in. As it stands, between 60-70% of readers never receive my correspondence. So when I have important updates, I generally will pay Facebook to send out a post to those who have liked my author page in order to make sure they don’t miss out. If you haven’t liked my Facebook page yet you can scroll down to the bottom of this page, or click this link: Facebook
  6. Join The Review Team. The Review Team is a segment of readers from the Wielder Council who receive a FREE Advanced Review Copy (ARC) of the latest unpublished book, 3-5 weeks prior to its release, in exchange for an honest review on Amazon once the book is published.Once the book is published, the review team members will be contacted as to when to post their reviews on Amazon. The reviews do not need to be long or involved, just a sentence or two that tells people what you liked about the book in order to help readers know why they might like it too. Becoming a review team member is FREE and easy. [There are only a limited number of seats available.] If you would like to be considered for the next book, then join the Review Team today! When the next book is ready for viewing, I will let the Team know in advance. Join The Review Team here.
  7. Join The Beta Reading Team. If you’ve ever wanted to shape a fantasy story without actually having to write it, here’s your chance. As a member of the Beta Reader Team you’ll receive an unedited draft of each new book in order to read and submit your thoughts and comments on. Generally, 80% of all beta reader suggestions will end up in the final draft in one form or another. My books would not be what they are today without the dedication of my readers. My goal is to provide the best quality of book I can. This is not accomplished without the input of my Beta Team. Join The Beta Team here.

I love working with my readers. So if you have any helpful thoughts on how I can better communicate or provide a more enjoyable experience, please feel free to let me know in the comments below.


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  1. Alicia

    Big fan… Please add me to the Wielder Counci.



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