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Map By: Michael Wisehart

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  1. chadmccance

    I have been studying the maps. It helps me a lot to be able to visualize where things happen. I noticed things like Minothea and lake mineqapu are on the low res version but not the high res version you buy. is this going to be updated?

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hey Chad,

      Wow! I’m so glad you reached out. I had no idea the wrong map was being given out. I’ve just changed the old one out and replaced it. I’ll email you the new one. If you don’t receive it today, then email me tomorrow.

      Thanks for letting me know. I apologize for the mix up.

      All the best,

      • Chad Mccance

        Thank you for the quick and personal response. I am loving both the street rats and the Aldoran books. I read them (by audiobook) as soon as I get them

        • Michael Wisehart

          Hey Chad,

          Tim does a wonderful job bringing them to live with his narration. 🙂

          • Chad Mccance

            Yes he is amazing. That’s actually how I got started on your books. I saw that he was performing them, and decided to try the first one in the chronicles series. But I must admit it was once I started the street rats series that I was really hooked

  2. Brianne Norwood

    Love it all. This is one of the best series I’ve ever read, even though I’ve only read Banished and half of Hurricane. I love the art and history too, and ESPECIALLY the music!! Do you plan to make a show or TV series?

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Brianne,

      So glad to hear you are enjoying the series, and that it ranks as one of your favorites. I hope I can continued to keep you entertained.

      I’m hoping to have the music finished in a couple of months. Working with my music composer on it now. He’s reading through the books at present as he works.

      No plans at the moment for a TV series, but certainly not ruling anything out. 🙂

      All the best,

      • Brianne Norwood

        I’m also SUPER excited to see what the new series is!! Also, any tips on getting a fantasy book started? I’ve been wanting to write one for fun but can’t figure out any ideas.

        • Michael Wisehart


          Start with making sure you are reading fantasy, so you can get an idea of what type of fantasy you enjoy. Best to write something you personally enjoy reading. It will make things easier. Also, you will need to decide whether you are wanting to do a one-off book or write in a series. For fantasy, I would typically always suggest a series as readers prefer it. They enjoy spending time with your characters, especially if they have grown attached to them.

          I also suggest simple outlining. What will be the overall plot of the larger ongoing story (series)? Who will your main characters be? This could/will change as you begin writing books. It’s best to always have some sort of start and finish in mind before getting started, and that is advice for both the overall series and each individual book.

          Keep good notes of your outlines. Start creating a location. Hand-sketch a map, that will be a very useful aid when you start to write.

          As far as the idea for what to write: that will have to come from you.

          All the best,

  3. Cynthia McDonald

    I’ve just finished the tunnels beneath.
    When can expect book 5. I’m so hooked and cannot wait!

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Cynthia,

      There is no set date for Book 5. At present, I’m working on the first draft of book 6 for the Street Rats of Aramoor series.

      Lots of great stuff planned from book 5 in the Aldoran Chronicles…definitely worth the wait. 🙂

      Merry Christmas,

  4. Delsie

    Is there a release date for book 4 in The Aldoran Chronicals?

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Delsie,

      Thanks for reaching out with your questions. As of right now there is no set release date for #4 (The Tunnels Beneath), other than I hope to publish it sometime in the 4th quarter of this year. It has grown longer than anticipated. 🙂

      All the best,

      • Delsie

        i like big books and i cannot lie!!! something to look forward to! Thanks for taking a break from your work and responding!

  5. Jordan

    Hi, I just came across your work in my recommended section. Is there a correct reading order? It looks like the series take place in the same world, but I couldn’t find a reading order guide (I apologize if this is answered elsewhere and I missed it)

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Jordan,

      Good question. I really do need to get a reading order set up for the two series. As you have already seen, both series are written within the same world; however, the Street Rats of Aramoor is a prequel series to the Aldoran Chronicles. The Aldoran Chronicles takes on the macro view of the entire world, while the Street Rats centers around one of the main characters from the Aldoran Chronicles series. Even though the AC series opens up the world, I absolutely recommend my readers start with the SR. There are a lot of characters and story lines that tie in with the AC series, and make it that much more enjoyable to read.

      Both series are completely standalone, but if you decide to start with the AC series, then make sure to read at least the first book in the SR before you read book #3 (The Four-Part Key).

      I hope that wasn’t too confusing. Lol! (In a nutshell – Read Street Rats first).

      If you have any other questions…let me know.

      All the best,

      • Jordan

        Thanks!!! That’s very helpful.

  6. colleen mattson

    love the books. unable to get shackled, however.

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Colleen,

      Sorry, you are having problems. The emails can often times end up in your spam/junk/promotions folder.

      Here is the opening download page: If you wanted to download the free ebook, simply click the button and follow the instructions to download. If you have any problems, there is a (Need Help?) button in the top right of bookfunnel’s site.

      All the best,

  7. Chad Roberts

    Just thought I would say hi and thanks for your stories. I started the White Tower only a few months ago on audible and finished that series and the prequel as well as the three Street Rats of Aramoor books, just finishing the last one today. I am eagerly awaiting the next ones. I am glad you put this map together. For me a map makes the stories come more alive and makes it easier for me to picture what is happening. Is there anyway to print it and put it on the wall? Thanks!

      • Chad Roberts

        Thank you sir!. Jumped on and ordered them all. Good luck on your future novels. Can’t wait to read more.

        • Tom Bloom

          Wow Michael! I’ve just finished the White Tower. Brilliant story, looking forward to reading the second book. The way you write, really helps the reader imagine everything happening in each chapter. The character chapters are well done, telling each characters story from their perspective. This would be an amazing tv show.

          • Michael Wisehart

            Hey Tom,

            So glad to see that you enjoyed it, and look forward to hearing what you think of the rest, as I’m told the story gets better with each book. Lol! I wrote the book cinematically, wanting to make it as visual as possible. Perhaps one day we will see a proper adaption of the book to the big screen or tv. Please do leave a review on Amazon if you get the chance. They are very helpful.

            Make sure that before you jump into the third book you have read the Free prequel (Shackled) and the first book in the prequel series (Street Rats of Aramoor). Both have story lines and characters vital to the overall saga.

            All the best,

  8. Michael Linden

    I absolutely loved The White Tower. I come back to your website at least once a month to check the progress on book 2. Absolutely can’t wait!

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hey Michael,

      My editors are working through Plague of Shadows now, and I’m a little over halfway through the first draft of the third book in the Street Rats of Aramoor series.

      The best way to keep up with my work is by liking my Facebook author page. Right now I’m working with an illustrator to create two brand new maps for the city of Easthaven. You can keep up with the progress there:

      All the best,

      • Dee McClanahan

        am so eagerly awaiting, Mr Wisehart.

        • Michael Wisehart

          Glad to hear, Dee.

          Plague of Shadows is now with my audio publisher and the first draft of the third book in my Street Rats series is nearing completion.

          Can’t wait to share them!

          • Dee McClanahan

            woohoo!! that gives me time to re-listen to The White Tower again.

          • Nobu

            You have a lot of talent bud. I hope you are a “write-a-holic” so we have years to enjoy your story.

            • Michael Wisehart

              Hi Nobu,

              Thanks for reaching out. Glad to hear you are enjoying the stories.

              I definitely plan to continue writing for many years to come, and hopefully most of that writing will be within the World of Aldor.

              Stay safe & God bless,

      • Doug

        Hi Michael

        Love your work.

        Facebook has become an unsafe place in my opinion. Obviously I am not most people. That said is there any other way besides being part of a Tyrannical Social experiment like Facebook to get your updates? recently started up. I know nothing about it except it costs a few dollars if you want to post as it allows no ads.

        Not pushing It’s new and I do not know it. I know FB and they basically have eliminated Freedom of Speech in the US. I never realized if people do not like what you say or they decide it is dangerous that you no longer have free speech. That’s not free speech. That’s Statism.

        Sorry not looking to start a discussion. I am but one voice of many you need to consider. Great Stuff. I am reading the second book now Plague of Shadows. Along with a book about Tesla the Electrician. Cannot read one book at a time. I have Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment half read as well. Got too tough there and was happily surprised when Amazon had your new book as a paperback.



        • Michael Wisehart

          Hi Doug,

          If you’d rather not use Facebook, you can sign up to my newsletter here:

          The unfortunate fact is that the vast majority of my newsletters end up in my readers’ spam box and they never receive them, which is why I also use Facebook, since it is the most widely used platform my readers also use.

          I don’t want to get into a discussion about Facebook, but if you’d like to keep up with updates you can join the Wielder Council above. Also, I have a progress bar set up at the bottom of my website home page that lets readers know where I’m at with my writing and publishing.

          Thanks for reaching out,

  9. Ted

    Have read both street rat’s books and white tower enjoyed them all

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hey Ted,

      Thanks for reaching out. Glad to hear I am managing to entertain.

      I’m working on the second draft of the the second book in the Aldoran Chronicles saga, entitled: Plague of Shadows, which will be out later this year.

      If you haven’t done so already, please consider leaving a review of the books on Amazon. Those reviews make a big difference in pushing them to get the books out there.

  10. Ryan

    This series is absolutely amazing! The world is detailed amazingly well (as this gorgeous map suggests). I love this book just as much as Stormlight Archive or the Kingkiller Chronicles. Please keep up the good work Michael! I don’t get much enjoyment in life usually but I can’t put your book down!

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Ryan.
      To be ranked along with some of my favorite authors is high praise indeed. I’m so glad to hear that you are enjoying the series and the World of Aldor. A lot still to come! I hope to have the book 2 (Plague of Shadows) in the Aldoran Chronicles out this year.

  11. Dallas

    Awesome work. Do a little bit of map building myself as a D&D Dungeon Master. Never anything quite this good and most never make it past pen and paper, but i can definitly respect the work put into this.

  12. Alan Wagner

    Perhaps “Eye to(or of) the North” – i.e. similar to a the “eye” of a sewing needle

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Alan. Which map element/location are you suggesting should be named “Eye of the North”?

      • Alan Wagner

        The pass just to the Northeast of Lake Baeron (between the Northern Heights and the Angoran Mountains) leading into the Frozen North.

        • Michael Wisehart

          Hey Alan. I was going back through my cartography page and realized I never received your reply, which is why I hadn’t responded. – Sorry about that. (Eye of the North) good name! Might see that show up in some later books. I do have an enormous wall and gate to add to it. It will be know as the “Gates of Bel’Taag.” But the pass hasn’t been named, so “Eye of the North” might be it. 🙂

          • Alan Wagner

            Wow – Thanks for considering (and yes even applying) my suggestion! it’s really nice to interact and “have considered” us the readers thoughts and suggestions!

            Keep up the great work!

  13. Charlotte Walters

    Your choices for the mountain and island names were great. I can proofread, but my imagination has no independent creativity of it’s own. There are TV shows, movies, and books that my imagination will pull me into the story. Like The White Tower, totally immersed.

    • Michael Wisehart

      Many authors say that coming up with names is more difficult than coming up with the story. I can only hope that The Aldoran Chronicles continues to keep you pulled in 🙂

  14. Rachel Burton

    Hello, the map is marvelous, well detailed, easy on the eye, love the colors!!! You did a great job

    • Michael Wisehart

      Thanks Rene for the kind words. I will continue to add to it as the series progresses.

  15. Chester Hendrix

    Is there any way to present the map so that we can zoom in to see the details? That would be freaking awesome!

  16. Mark Gardner

    Looks great, man. I wish I was that skilled with photoshop!

  17. Michael Wisehart

    Hey Janalyn! Sorry for the late response. I replied a couple days ago using my cell phone, but it didn’t seem to post. I hand drew the basic elements first and then built the rest using Photoshop computer software. Its a lot of work, but lots of fun! If you have any questions concerning map-making let me know. Love to help my fellow fantasy authors!

    • Michael Wisehart

      Actually, I built it myself. I love designing and creating interesting things. As my novel series progresses, I continually add on to it 🙂

      Thanks for the kind words!


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