Audiobook Negotiations

LATEST FROM MICHAEL’S BLOG AUDIOBOOK NEGOTIATIONS Michael Wisehart 6 February 2017 For the last month and a half I have been in negotiations with Podium Publishing, a prominent audiobook publisher in the fantasy and sci-fi genres. They contacted me back in...

The White Tower Paperback | Proof Copy #1

LATEST FROM MICHAEL’S BLOG First Look: The White Tower Paperback Edition Michael Wisehart 19 October 2016 NOTE: The images were taken with my cell phone in low light. The color hue is wrong…sorry. The actual color of the text on the Front Cover is gold....

The Importance Of Having A Review Team

LATEST FROM MICHAEL’S BLOG The Importance Of Having A Review Team Michael Wisehart 17 October 2016 A strong, dependable Review Team could mean the difference between having a successful launch of your book and having a NOT-so-successful launch. The purpose of...

How To Leave A Book Review

LATEST NEWS AND INFORMATION How To Leave A Review On Amazon Michael Wisehart 20 August 2016 Leaving a review on Amazon is the easiest way to say Thank You to an author. Positive reviews encourage readers to try the book while at the same time show Amazon that the book...

The White Tower Cover Art Progression

LATEST NEWS The White Tower Cover Art Progression Michael Wisehart 4 August 2016 The below images are the first two sketches my illustrator gave me when we first began our work on designing the White Tower. He started the process by creating six simple sketch ideas....
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