First Look: The White Tower Paperback Edition

Michael Wisehart

19 October 2016

NOTE: The images were taken with my cell phone in low light. The color hue is wrong…sorry. The actual color of the text on the Front Cover is gold.

My first paperback edition of The White Tower has arrived from Amazon Createspace, and I’m very excited by the outcome.

This is just a Proof copy of the book. It will allow me to find any flaws in the exterior or interior design. The paper stock is of good quality and the interior print looks really sharp. I’m very pleased with it so far. I have noticed that the cover design printed quite a bit darker than my Photoshop file, so I will have to go through and lighten the final image before resubmitting it back to Createspace and ordering another proof.

The Launch Date is set for November 1st.

I am anxiously counting down the days…

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