Fan Art

I love Fan Art, and I’m more than happy to showcase my reader’s talents here on the site. If you have artwork related to the fandom that you’d like to have seen, let me know. Depending on the nature of the art, it is very likely to get posted.  -Michael Wisehart

Watercolors depicting scenes from The Aldoran Chronicles

This beautiful illustration below were created by Yujia Wu (Lyra), a 16-year-old student from Nanjing, presently studying at the Affiliated High School to the China Academy of Art.


Watercolor of book 1: The White Tower

This beautiful illustration is of Ferrin’s escape from the White Tower.    

Watercolor of The White Tower 1
Watercolor of The White Tower 2
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Watercolor of a Scene from Book 2: Plague of Shadows

This following illustration progression of images are of Bek’s cabin while Zynora tries to eradicate the vulraak from Nel.

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Mixed Media Fan Art for Street Rats Trailer

Live action scenes by Max Ortiz. Max had seen the trailer and contacted me about filming some live action to go with it. The video first shows the behind the scenes work Max and his team put into the project, then finishes with the final product.

Note: There was a scheduling conflict which cost them their background talent on the day of shooting, and yet they still managed to push through. Teamwork!


Film By: Max Ortiz –

Ayrion: Noah Perryman – 

Combatant 1: R.J. Garcia

Combatant 2: Kenny Robinson

Combatant 3: Alexander Chrystophy

Featured Combatant: Jeremy Smith

Background Melee: L.A.N.C.E. Performance group

Choreography by Max Ortiz and R.J. Garcia, choreography input by all featured combatants.



  1. Amanda

    I listened to all of the Street Rats series a while back and now my kids are listening to them. They have become one of my favorite series, and my kids’ also!

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Amanda,

      Love to see families reading the books together. Tim does a phenomenal job with the narration. He will be working on the 6th and final book in the Street Rats next month.

      All the best,

  2. Edward R Perez

    Hey Michael, I discovered your books about a month ago and I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY by how amazing your work is! You are hands down of the best modern fantasy authors and I have nothing but respect and appreciation for your books. Can’t wait to see what the new series is!

    • Michael Wisehart

      Hi Edward,

      So glad that you discovered me! 🙂 How far have you gotten in the books? Hopefully, you started with the prequel series: Street Rats of Aramoor.

      I’m excited to see what the new series will hold as well. Lol! Still in the planning stages at this point. Won’t get around to working on it until next year. I still have the final Street Rats book and #5 in the Aldoran Chronicles.

      All the best,

      • Edward R Perez

        I’ve read all of your books so far! Heck, I’ve even made an entire Pathfinder 2e (d&d type game) and used your books as the setting! I just finished Streetrats and am eagerly awaiting the rest of the aldoran chronicles.

        Thank you sir, your books are basically everything I like in films and turned into an awesome fantasy series. I wish you luck and happiness! Also are you going to any events or conventions?

        • Michael Wisehart

          Hi Edward,

          Love to see you are enjoying the series. Most people look at the books as something they would love to see adapted for a film/tv series, while you look at them as taking everything you love in film and adapting them to books. To be honest, I do write cinematically, doing my best to allow my readers to feel they are in the story.

          Interesting to see others adapting the world setting into their own games. The extensive maps I have created for my world are sure to help with that. 🙂

          I don’t really get out to conventions or signings. Perhaps in the future. If I do, I’ll let my readers know.

          All the best,


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